Linggo, Agosto 18, 2013

second meeting

           on our second meeting we continued the topic from the last lesson about  virtual private network (VPN) is a private network  that is constructed with in a public network infrastructured such as global internet using VPN a telecommuter can access. And we discuss also about the OSI model or open system interconnect. There are seven osi reference model.
* Application-this layer deal with networking applications ex.(  email, web browsers and etc.)
*Presentation- is responsible for presenting the data in the required format which may include (code formating,encryption, compression ,PDU- formatted data)
*Session- establish, manage and termenates session between two communicating host.
*Transport- breaks up the data from sending host and then reasemble it in the receiver.
*Network-sometimes referred to as the "cisco layer"
                -provide logical addressing that routers use for.
*Data link-provides reliable transitnof data across physical link.
*Physical- physical media through which the data.
         And we discuss also about the type of transmission.
*Unicast- specific host
*Multicast-selected host
*Broadcast- connect all host
 Broad cast domain-a group of devices recieving broadcast domains frames initiating from any divice with in the group.And after the discussion  Mr. Dosejo give as a short but difficult quiz.

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