Linggo, Agosto 18, 2013

Today Mr. Dosejo is not around but  Sir  Sicam is our substitute teacher for today.

second meeting

           on our second meeting we continued the topic from the last lesson about  virtual private network (VPN) is a private network  that is constructed with in a public network infrastructured such as global internet using VPN a telecommuter can access. And we discuss also about the OSI model or open system interconnect. There are seven osi reference model.
* Application-this layer deal with networking applications ex.(  email, web browsers and etc.)
*Presentation- is responsible for presenting the data in the required format which may include (code formating,encryption, compression ,PDU- formatted data)
*Session- establish, manage and termenates session between two communicating host.
*Transport- breaks up the data from sending host and then reasemble it in the receiver.
*Network-sometimes referred to as the "cisco layer"
                -provide logical addressing that routers use for.
*Data link-provides reliable transitnof data across physical link.
*Physical- physical media through which the data.
         And we discuss also about the type of transmission.
*Unicast- specific host
*Multicast-selected host
*Broadcast- connect all host
 Broad cast domain-a group of devices recieving broadcast domains frames initiating from any divice with in the group.And after the discussion  Mr. Dosejo give as a short but difficult quiz.

Sabado, Agosto 17, 2013

First meeting

hai everyone!!!!
                 In network managemement  i learned about many things about  networking like data networks. Sharing data through the use of floppydisks is not efficient or cost effective manner.Business needed a solution that would succesfully adress the ff. three problems.How to avoid duplication of equipment and resources. How to communicate efficiently and the last is how to set up and manage a nerwork.And also we discuss kind of network devices.
*End- user devices- include computers, printers,scanner and other devices that provide directly to the user.
*Network devices-include all the devices that connect hub,router,switch, modem that connects the end user devices together and allow them to communicate.
*Network Interface Card( NIC)- is aprinted circuit board providesnetwork communication.
* Host- end user devices
*Hub-connects a group of host
*Switch-switches add more intelligence to data transfer managemet.And we have a topic about kinds of Topology. Topology  called by network there seven kinds of topology.
1.Network topologies- defines the structure of the network
2.Logical topology- which defines how the media is accessed by the host for sending data
3.Bus topology- a bus topology uses a single backbone cable that isterminated at both ends.
4.Ring topology- connects one host to the last host to the first.
5.Star topology- connects all cables to a central point of concentration.
6.Extended Star topology- links individuals star together by connecting the hubs and switches.
7. Mesh topology- is implemented to provide as much protection as possible from interruption of service.and last but not the list we discuss about network.Like Lans, Wans, And Mans.